2012. 4. 2. 14:39

성당에 간만에 갔다.

이 찬양이 참 가슴에 와 닿았다.

고난주간을 시작하면서, 그 분에 고난에 동참하며, 더 그 사랑을 느껴보고 싶다. 

이래 저래 바쁜 시간이지만, 차근 차근 나가다 보면, 그 분의 사랑을 조금은 더 맛 볼 수 있지 않을까?

Refrain: We remember how you loved us to your death, and still we celebrate, for you are with us here; And we believe that we will see you when you come, in your glory, Lord, we remember, we celebrate, we believe.

1: Here, a million wounded souls are yearning just to touch you and be healed; Gather all your people, and hold them to your heart.

2: Now we recreate your love we bring the bread and wine to share a meal; Sign of grace and mercy, the presence of the Lord.

3: Christ, the Father's great "Amen" to all the hopes and dreams of every heart; Peace beyond all telling, and freedom from all fear.

4: See the face of Christ revealed in ev'ry person standing by your side; Gift to one another, and temples of your love.

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