+ Love is a game that two can play and both win.
◎ News
① Court ends Alaska offshore drilling plan (법정이 알래스카 연안 채굴 계획을 끝내다)
The very thing that's cause for concern with regard to walrus and other species here in the Arctic is what's made drilling in these waters more attractive to industry: less sea ice.
북극의 바다표범이나 다른 생물에 관한 걱정의 원인인 그것은, 바다를 뚫고 들어가는 사업을 더욱 매력적으로 만들었습니다. 그것은 바로 점점 줄어가는 해빙입니다.
* cause/reason for concern: 걱정의 원인/이유
* regard: 여기다, 간주하다 (with regard to: ~에 관해)
* walrus: 바다표범 (cf. seal)
♠ Let's travel together to the Arctic. Be careful! We might be standing on very thin ice or no ice at all. The problem is there is less sea ice. Well, this is not good news for walrus and other species that live there. That is cause for concern, it's something they worry about. However less sea ice is a bonus, it's a positive point for industry. For companies that wish to drill through that ice down into the earth to probably pull out gas or oil. I have only one question. If you put sea ice in your mouth, is it salty?
② Ten High-Tech Weapons to Repel Pirates (해적 퇴치를 위한 하이테크 무기들)
Modern pirates are creating a market for modern pirate repellents. The owners of ships that ply the waters near Somalia are looking at lasers, electric fences, water cannons and high-intensity sound.
현대의 해적들은, 새로운 해적 퇴치법 시장을 만들고 있습니다. 소말리아 인근 바다를 항해하는 선주들은 레이저와 전기 울타리, 물대포와 고강도 음향시설 등에 주목하고 있습니다.
* repellent: 물리치는 것
- water/shark/pirate repellent
- insect/mosquito/bug etc repellent (→ a substance that keeps insects away)
* ply: (배 등의 교통수단이) 정기적으로 다니다, 헤쳐나가다
- ply through snow/homework... means always so difficult to push and struggle to get through.
- a three-ply rope 세가닥의 밧줄 / cf. pliers 펜치
* high-intensity: 고강도
♠ To be a pirate is a job that has been around for hundreds and hundreds of years. Well, we know that even these days in Somalia area, modern-day pirates are there to rob and steal and to take over ships. Well, the owners of ships are concerned about that. They are looking for modern ways to stop these pirates. They are looking at high technology weapons and items of self-defence. Jake, I like the old style, not modern style. Old style is swords, baseball bats, empty whiskey bottles... that would keep the pirates away. (J: OK, You go and fight and I'll just sit back... okay?) A good sword fight on a ship deck... wow, it's like in the movies.
** FYI
a. [방송 정리]는 워드로 정리하는 저의 개인적인 GMP 노트이며 posting에 많은 시간을 할애할 여건이 못되어서 가독성있게 수정하지 못하고 바로 올리는 점 양해 바랍니다.
b. update는 방송 1~2일 후에 이루어 집니다. / Verdana, 9pt, 180%
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