2009. 4. 27. 14:20

1. Voca - The windchill factor will be near zero degrees.
① windchill factor 체감 기온
- windchill: the cooling effect of the wind
- factor: a point, detail, some fact to be considered 요소
- eg. It must have been minus 5 with the wind chill factor .
② weather report/forecast 일기 예보
- eg. According to the weather forecast, it'll rain tomorrow.
③ degree 온도 (학위, 정도)
④ below zero 영하 (= minus ↔ above zero 영상)
⑤ thermometer 온도계 (barometer 기압계, speedometer 속도계)
- thermo...: related to heat / thermos (bottle) 보온병
- meter: a device, gauge, some sort of machine that gives us detailed information


◎ Celsius 섭씨 (centigrade 섭씨의 / Fahrenheit 화씨), temperature, climate 기후 (cf. weather 그날의 날씨), humidity 습도, atmospheric/air pressure 기압, barometric maximum/minimum 고기압/저기압
- (L) a) weatherization: to protect a building from the natural elements such as sunlight, wind... to reduce energy consumption (영국, weatherproofing) b) Weatherization assistance program in US.


♠ You know, I woke up early to listen to KBS radio so that I can hear the weather report for today and, of course, according to the weather forecaster, it is going to be a little bit cold, which is okay by me but the announcer said that it would actually be below zero, which is surprising for this time of the year. You'll expect that the temperature will be a higher degrees but you know, with the wind blowing it really brings down the temperature. The windchill factors kind of feel like maybe, oh, maybe about minus five or six against your body. But that's just because of the wind. Don't be fooled by the thermometer, though. Thermometer might tell you it's zero or one but it's a little colder than that.


+ hocus-pocus: 속임수 (If you describe something as hocus-pocus, you disapprove of it because you think it is false and intended to trick or deceive people. = trickery)


2. SE
° He's doing that on purpose. 저건 의도적인 행동이에요. 
- (=) purposely, intentionally, deliberately ↔ by accident


A: Here you are, Major. 소령.
M: See that? He's leaving three minutes early, and he's not even waiting for logout confirmation.
- eg. Did you get confirmation on our hotel reservations.
- tattletale: 고자질 하는 사람
- tattle: if a child tattles, they tell a parent or teacher that another child has done something bad
- eg. Robert is always tattling on me for things I didn't do.
J: Can you play that again?
- eg. Would you please play that again?
M: Sure.
J: Did you see that? With his cell phone. Look, he's doing that on purpose. Is that Morse code?


3. PE
° Both of us are mad for nothin'. 우린 괜한 일에 화를 내고 있죠.
- Are you mad? 화난 (angry), 삐친. / I don't get mad, I get even. 앙갚음.


4. TPL (I thought she was + N. 그녀가 ~인 줄 알았다.)
① I thought she was the boss/a teacher/his mother/your sister/his fiancee약혼녀/a new student/the best player/a businesswoman. 사업가.
A: This is my mother.
B: I thought she was your sister!
A: Yes, she looks young for her age.
B: Nice to meet you, Mrs. Freedman.


+ She was at a loss. 당황한 (to be confused and uncertain about what to do or say)


② You know the drill, 어떻게 하는지 알잖아.
- drill: a) the usual way that something is done b) practice, a method of teaching students, sports players etc something by making them repeat the same lesson, exercise etc many times 반복연습
- eg. Press this button first and then switch this on. You know the drill.


Q) 향수 → 남자 cologne, 여자 perfume 



** FYI

a. [방송 정리]는 워드로 정리하는 저의 개인적인 GMP 노트이며 posting에 많은 시간을 할애할 여건이 못되어서 가독성있게 수정하지 못하고 바로 올리는 점 양해 바랍니다. 

b. update는 방송 1~2일 후에 이루어 집니다. / Verdana, 9pt, 180%


Feel free to visit my website. http://uniwe.nayana.kr

Here's the Cool GMP Naver Cafe http://cafe.naver.com/coolgmp  

단어복습 : get a contract 계약을 따내다, party 당사자, fine print 단서조항(작은활자)


step 1

wind chill  factor 체감온도

weather report 일기예보

degree  온도

below zero  영하  above zero 영상

thermometer  온도계 "meter" 재다는 뜻 barometer 기압계, speedometer 속도계, "themo"온도 themo bottle 보온병


Wind chill factor will be near zero degree 체감온도는 영도에 가까울 것입니다.


step 2

Celsius 섭씨(= centigrade)  Fahrenheit 화씨

temperature  온도


More words

climate: 기후
humidity : 습도
atmospheric(air) pressure :기압 
barometric maximum/minimum : 고기압 / 저기압


step 3

Wind chill factor will be near zero degree  체감온도는 영도에 가까울 것입니다

According to weather forecast, it'll rain tomorrow.  일기예보에 따르면 내일 비가 올것이다.


* Let's jump into GMP lifestyle's tips

In english the word "weatherization" means to protect a building from natural elements such as sunlight, wind to reduce the energy consumption. Not this word also called "weather proofing" in British english

영어에서 "weatherization"은 에너지소비를 줄이기 위해 건물을 햇볕이나 바람같은 자연요소로부터 건물을 지키는 것을 뜻한다. 영국식 영어에서는 "weather proofing"로 불리운다.

Now in the United States there is organization program called "the Weatherization Assistance Program" , it helps low-income families to make some alterations on a house, to reduce some energy consumption and the cost of using energy

미국에서는 "WAP"이라 부리는 조직 프로그램이 있는데, 저소득 가정에 에너지 소비를 줄이고 에너지 사용비용을 줄이기 위해 집을 개조하는데 도움을 준다.



* John's recap (recapitulation : 요점의 되풀이)

You know, I woke up early to listen to KBS radio so that I can hear the weather report today.

KBS라디오를 듣기위해 일찍 일어나서 오늘 날씨예보를 들을 수 있었지

Of course according to weather forecaster it was going to be a little bit cold.

물론 기상 캐스터에 의하면 약간 추워질꺼라고 했다

Which was O.K. by me but the announcer said that there would be actually below zero which was surprising for this time of the year.

그건 내겐 괜찮다 그러나 아나운서는 일년중 이시기에는 놀랍게도 영하가 될꺼라고 했다  

You will expect the temperature will be a higher degees but you know, with the wind blowing at really brings down the temperature, wind chill factor's ,a kind of feel like maybe, oh maybe about minus five or six against your body.

온도가 더 높으리라 예상하겠지만 바람이 온도를 강타하기 때문에 네몸에서는 영하 5도나 6도 정도의 체감온도가 될꺼다

That's just because of wind. Don't be fooled by thermometer. Thermometer might tell you zero or one but it's colder than that.

그건 바람때문이다. 온도계에 속지마라. 온도계는 0도나 1도를 나타나겠지만 그것보단 춥다

hocus-pocus  요술, 속임수, 야바위



* 스크린 잉글리시 

He's doing that on purpose. 저건 의도적인 행동이에요.


아리아 : Here you are, major.

여기있습니다, 소령님

소령 : See that. He's leaving 3 minutes early. And he is not even waiting for log out confirm!ation

저기 보세요. 그는 3분먼저 떠납니다. 그는 심지어 로그아웃 확인도 안기다려요 

tattletale 고자질 쟁이

조이 : Can you play that again?

다시 틀어볼래요?

소령 : Sure.

조이 : Did you see that? With his cellphone. Look. He's doing that on purpose. Is that morse code?

저거 봤어요? 그이 핸드폰으로, 저건 의도적인 행동이에요. 저거 모스부호인가요?

on purpose 고의적인, 의도적인 (=purposely, intentionally)


ADHD (attention deficit hyperactivity disorder)  주의력 결핍 과잉 행동 장애


confirm!ation 확증, 비준  confirm!  확인하다

Did you get confirm!ation on our hotel reservation?   호텔 예약 확인 했어?

play  연주하다, 재생하다.

I love that song. Would you please play that again?    난 정말 저 노래좋아. 다시 한번 연주해줄래?



* 팝스 잉글리시

Both of us are mad for nothin'.우린 괜한 일에 화를 내고 있죠.

Mad - Ne yo


So both of us are mad for
그래서 우리 둘다 삐쳤어요

Nothing (Fighting for)
무엇을 위한 싸움도 아니고
Nothing (Crying for) Nothing
무엇을 위한 눈물도 아니야.
But we won't let it go for nothing
하지만 우리는 잊어버릴 수 없어
No not for Nothing
어떠한 것도, 어떠한 것도
This should be nothin' to a love like what we got oh baby
우리의 사랑은 이런것이 아니어야해.



* Talk Play Learn

I thought she was ~   그여자가 ~ 인줄알았다 (그런데 아니였다)


I thought she was the boss   그녀가 상사인줄 알았어

I thought she was a teacher   그녀가 선생님인줄 알았어

I thought she was his mother   그녀가 그의 엄마인줄 알았어

I thought she was your sister   그녀가 너의 언니인줄 알았어

I thought she was his fiancee  그녀가 그의 약혼녀인줄 알았어  fiance 약혼자(남자)

I thought she was a new student    그녀가 새로온 학생인줄 알았어

I thought she was the best player     그녀가 잘나가는 선수인줄 알았어

I thought she was business woman   그녀가 사업가 인줄 알았어


Roll play time

여 : This is my mother.   이분은 우리 어머니야.

남 : I thought she was your sister.   난 네 언니인줄 알았어

여 : Yes, she looks young for her age  그래, 엄마는 나이에 비해 어려보이지

남 : Nice meet you, Mrs. Freedman.  만나서 반갑습니다 프리드먼 부인


Learn more 

You know the drill  어떻게 하는지 알다

Press this button first and then switch on. You know the drill  이버튼을 먼저 누루고 스위치를 켜고. 어떻게 하는지 알지.



perfume (여자) 향수  cologne (남자) 향수, 독일의 퀠른 에서 유래



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