2009. 4. 27. 14:13

① Global Warming: Heat Could Kill Drought-stressed Trees Fast 
지구 온난화: 열은 가뭄에 시달린 나무를 빨리 죽인다


There's a lot of fairly basic stuff that scientists don't really know about trees. 
The warmer temperatures made the trees significantly more vulnerable to drought.


과학자들이 나무에 대해서 알지 못하는 아주 기본적인 사실이 많이 있습니다. 
더 따뜻해지는 기온은 나무들이 가뭄에 더욱 취약해지게 만들었습니다.


* fairly 꽤, 아주
* significantly 확연히, 두드러지게
* vulnerable 취약한
* drought 가뭄


♠ Is this good news or bad news? But our scientists are still learning. In fact, in today news, we find out they are learning about trees. Basic things, simple things about trees they're still learning. For example, when there is a season of not enough rain during a period of drought, trees can be injured, they are weak and they can be injured by this lack of water and of course, the warmer temperatures really don't help them either. I'm glad our scientists are still learning.


② 'Brown Fat' Could Help Adults Keep Slim 갈색 지방이 성인의 체중 유지를 돕는다
Some studies coming out today find that one kind of fat tissue could actually help people lose weight. It's called brown fat. And the studies say it burns off calories quickly unlike ordinary white fat that stores up calories.


오늘 발표된 논문들은, 어떤 종류의 지방 조직이 실제로 사람들이 몸무게를 줄이는 것을 돕는다는 사실을 밝혀냈습니다. 그 조직은 갈색 지방이라고 불립니다. 연구에 따르면 갈색 지방은 칼로리를 저장하는 보통의 흰 지방과 달리, 칼로리를 빨리 태워 없애는 역할을 한다고 합니다.


* study 연구, 논문, 서재
* fat 지방 
- cf. pet 애완동물, pat 톡톡 가볍게 두드리다
* tissue 조직, 화장지
* burn off 불태워 없애다 
- used often when talking about losing weight, burn off calories/fat/weight/energy/etc
* unlike ~와 달리


♠ More medical dietary news! It turns out that our scientists tell us we have two kinds of fat in our body, brown fat and white fat. Obviously the white fat is not the fat that you like, it's the kind that stores calories for a long time. However, this newly discovered brown fat is actually pretty good for you. That kind of brown fat burns calories very very quickly and might actually help you to lose weight. I've done my own research, I've discovered that on my body, I have only brown fat.



** FYI

a. [방송 정리]는 워드로 정리하는 저의 개인적인 GMP 노트이며 posting에 많은 시간을 할애할 여건이 못되어서 가독성있게 수정하지 못하고 바로 올리는 점 양해 바랍니다. 

b. update는 방송 1~2일 후에 이루어 집니다. / Verdana, 9pt, 180%


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