1. Voca - Do you have an alternative plan? (Do you have a plan B?)
① annual report 연례 보고서 (annual salary 연봉)
② deal with 다루다 (to handle, to be involved with sth.)
③ sales figure 판매 수치
- figure: a) 그림 (figure skating) b) 사람 (a legendary figure in basketball) c) 숫자
④ make a strategy 전략을 세우다
⑤ alternative 대안 (another choice)
◎ approval 동의/승인, proposal 제안 (eg. marriage proposal), discuss details 세부사항을 협의하다, diversify 다각화하다 (→ to make diverse)
- eg. Your proposal met with everyone's approval. 네 제안은 모두의 승인을 받았다. (to meet with approval 승인을 받다)
- (L) diplomacy: a) When someone makes a mistake... → I'm not very clear on something. You must be missing something. b) 바로 결정하기 곤란한 제안 → I'll take it under consideration. I'll take it into consideration. I'll think about it. c) if you don't agree with an idea which has some good points in fact... → I appreciate your insight. d) 협상 결렬시 → We agree to disagree on this.
♠ It's that time of the year when everyone in the office is getting ready for the annual report. The fiscal figures that we have to deal with every year on costs and sales are very high. And it could do a result in either some people getting laid off or some people getting promotions. Hopefully the sales figures will be really high. That's what the boss wants to see. He's already made a strategy for us how to improve certain areas of our work force and he's got alternative choices for us. The most important of them are "Work hard!" or "Get fired!".
2. SE
° He never asked me for anything. 그는 나한테 어떤것도 바란 적이 없어요.
J: And he'd always try to help me. You know, "This is how you throw it, Do it like this, Write it like that, Put your foot here." Even with the small things. Homework, chores, anything like that, he would handle it and then say that I did it, just so my father would notice me. That was Ethan. He never asked me for anything. Ever.
- eg. Even small things matter, so don't overlook any details. 아무리 작은것도 중요하니깐 어느것도 대충넘어 가지마. / eg. It's a hard job, but I know you can handle it.
- (household) chores 집안일
+ Whether you think you can or you think you can't, you're right.
3. PE
° The best that you can do is fall in love. 당신이 할 수 있는 최선의 일은 사랑에 빠지는 일이에요.
4. TPL (Why did you tell me to + V? 왜 ~하라고 한 겁니까?)
① Why did you tell me to call you/e-mail her/come over들르라고/take out $20 (20달러를 찾아오라고)/delete the file/eat so quickly/stop the project/ask him for advice?
A: Why did you tell me to ask him for advice?
B: Because no one understands the stock market better?
A: But he didn't have any useful information.
B: Really? That's odd. 그거 이상하네.
② go belly up, 파산하다 (= go bankrupt)
- if a business or company goes belly up, it stops operating because it cannot pay its debts
- eg. Did you hear the news? ABC company is going to go belly up!
Q) 왜 이래, 아무추어 같이~ → You know better (than that)~