Today is my grandmother's birthday. Wow~ I forgot. I just was thinking about her face and voice. I could.
I went to the Heiwa House. There was Gloria's welcoming party from a hospital. I had to chance to meet other house. It was just small party as compare our house's birthday party with their party. I met Pot who is nice and my new librarian. He told me a story of Jean's mother. Wow~ He's real history of L'Arche. Anyway, Jean's mother was nice lady. Before she died, she was a living-in-assistant in L'Arche in France. How nice it was! Beginning of her working, she thought, she couldn't do anything with handicapped people. So she was crying at a church. Some of a coremember came her and pick her up to their house. How wonderful is! I think, that's her turning point and life's sharing. This story reminds me. Little Flower's my life story.